We, as humans have this notion that we need to protect our hearts, and it’s a very real sensation if we were hurt in the past. Most of us carry wounds and hurts that unless addressed can truly form a gate between our Heart and Life. The idea that we protect ourselves from a possibility of pain may be true, yet we end up caging our own hearts, and Love has no way to enter deeply into your Being. Love feeds on openness and trust. Our existence here is diminished by a fearful heart. We can only partially ‘be seen’, deeply feel and be utterly Alive with a shackled Heart. Our protection mechanism can become our jail and only we have the key and the ability to open the cellar.
So how can we remain with an open Heart as its expression is our greatest gift? Within my own journey of healing I pondered upon the reasons I close down. It’s almost an automatic mechanism that is built-in within us when hurt strikes. I wondered whether I can remain open hearted, particularly in a painful situation. The Universe delivered the opportunity to examine my notion.
A few years ago, when going
through a challenging life-event, I promised myself to remain heart centred, open
and kind regardless of anything. Sitting with the emotions that flooded me and
feeling raw, I went through my healing process with effort and unwavering
resolve and was able to honour the pledge I took. At the end of a challenging
period my compassion and heart expanded and a sense of tender fortitude remained
in my Being. I was grateful for the Grace the Universe showed me.
We have a tendency to walk in
the world with a partial heart. Wearing masks endorsed by fears we carry limits
our Aliveness and requires a lot of energy that can drain your Being. While
living through a facade, a sense of isolation grows within us. Notwithstanding discernment
and healthy boundaries where appropriate, distancing, closing down and escaping
in various ways are to our detriment. Our spirit becomes constrained and
hampered and the vastness of our humanness has little space to thrive. Welcoming
people fearlessly into our heart creates a milieu for intimate connections and cultivates
an environment for others to express themselves more genuinely, providing they
are ready and willing. In an open-hearted interaction, a sense of belonging and
inter-connectedness emerges.
Although not without challenges,
it’s a courageous way to walk through life, rendering you vulnerable and
exposed, as you refrain from hiding or sleep-walking through this precious
journey. The other alternative is to cut yourself off from that which we all yearn
to deeply experience; Acceptance, Intimacy, Love and genuinely to be Seen by
others with the full spectrum of our Being. It’s a nourishing ground to live
upon. A way of existence that is enriching, equally strong as it’s gentle and
profoundly humane. Through my exploration with this paradigm of existence, I
found Grace to inhabit this space.
When you are choosing to Be in
the world with an open heart, magic emerges in glorious forms. Our Heart’s
nature is to be generously and intimately expressed. It’s Eternal and knows no
fears, boundaries or limitations. You may begin to connect with fellow humans
in a way that uplifts people’s spirit and cultivate a sense of belonging. Many
are living with a great sense of isolation, and loneliness has reached an
epidemic proportion. We are here to relate intimately and when we open to the
vastness of our hearts Life takes brighter shades and our Divinity shines
May you
discover a way to live with a fearless heart and May you allow yourself to
fully express your exquisite uniqueness.