The year 2012 is upon us and it promises to be a transformational year.
As events in my days develop I have been pondering the idea of impermanence, choices, my way of being and purposeful living. When I awake each day I ask to be patient, to be kind and generous, to be compassionate and loving and to have the strength and wisdom to go through the changes necessary for my evolution. Last, I ask the Universe to guide humanity to the heart of our truth and authentic Being-ness.
Changes are the norm of our times in humans' history. I have been pondering why we were created with such resistance to change and such a fondness to remain within our comfort zone, when change is the only way to progress and create greatness.
A simple observation at humanity’s past demonstrates that history is shaped by people that avoid ‘following the grain’ and embrace the outer periphery of that which is known. Genius is fashioned through curiosity, wonder and breaking conventionality yet as humans we have a tendency to shy from the mysterious and accept incontestably the custom model. What happened within our evolutionary path that provided the ground to that inclination? We are far from the need to engage in existential matters as a center point to our survival, at least the more fortunate ones of us. We have a tendency to focus on the tangible and neglect magic when the most precious contributions and gifts to humanity are shaped through connection to that which is not wholly understood and cannot be neatly classified. Why is it that we have this constant need to categorize and analyze everything, we even tend to do that with matters of the heart. Do we think this is safety when in truth this shackles our spirit? We place a high value on education and action when truly we ache to Live through Spirit and find balance between all the parts of our being-ness.
In truth, through a deep connection to spirit, we find lightness of being and all the answers to everything we’ll ever need and/or want seems to flow into our consciousness and nourishes our body and soul.
Are we ready to embrace mystery like never before within our evolutionary path? I believe the scales are tipping to that point and resistance is futile. I understand that is my view and it is shaped by my experience - I have seen what surrender allows to come forth and the miracles that emerge in this space of co-creation.
Are we ready to embrace mystery like never before within our evolutionary path? I believe the scales are tipping to that point and resistance is futile. I understand that is my view and it is shaped by my experience - I have seen what surrender allows to come forth and the miracles that emerge in this space of co-creation.
Through my experience in this amazing journey called Life I have noticed that when I am grounded and heart centered, when I trust and love unconditionally, when I avoid strict forms and structures and let go of the need to control or know, when my intent is utterly free from attachment, when I allow my spirit to guide the way – magic has space to appear in synchronicities I could never fathom.
We are spirits having a human experience. I enjoy observing the fine line between these realms we walk here on earth. I know when I am being more human and when I live through spirit by the way that I Feel - Life seems brighter when I am re-connected to Spirit. I learned to be gentle with my shortcomings and laugh at being all too human at times. I have learned that compassionate heart and forgiveness healed me through the years and I have seen it heals other wounded souls.
So if you’d like - this is an invitation for you to embrace the mystery, dream wildly, live and love with an open generous heart, and re-connect to your spirit – it is where magic Lives. Resist the urge to analyze everything and surrender the need to know how it all fits into your Life in the grand scheme. Know that changes are the strongest currents of our times and if you can allow the river to flow you may discover freedom and soar higher than you could ever plan.
Re-member you have the choice and resilience to discover the rhythm of your eternal spirit through your heart and evolve into being the magic Being you already are.
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