We arrive here gifted with free will, and have the choice of living through the Low road with Mr. Ego leading or the High road with Spirit illuminating the way. The Ego is fearful and promotes constrained and limiting view of your faculty and true radiance, whereas your Spirit lovingly encourages you to Shine. We live within this journey in human form and Mr. Ego requires tangible plans and controlled way of Life, however as a Spirit we are simultaneously sparks of the Divine Mind and our existence is infinite and in constant flux.
The process
of humans’ evolution takes willingness and cooperation in our own growth. Heeding the call of Spirit
requires awareness, courage, dedication and abiding resolve. It’s
a path we don’t have to pursue, yet for those who embark upon the journey of conscious
existence there is no real way back. Once the veil is lifted and we touch our
inner Core, the inter-connectedness is palpable and transfigures our sense of separation. Suffused in a sense of belonging, we realize liberty and Grace is through here, and the challenges within this path seem insignificant in contrast to the treasure within. When we
begin to connect with our Divine Essence, Ego limitations diminish and we become
open to the field of all possibilities. In here we are able to tap into the Divine Plan, retrieve
our Essence and begin to co-create with the Cosmos.
For many years
I have lived with a narrow expression of my Spirit. One of my greatest
obstacles was Mr. Doubt; he has been a frequent visitor in my daily life for
quite a while and nearly felt as an old friend. A few years ago I have sent him
on a long vacation and I am beginning to feel that he may have concluded to
retire. I have let myself believe that I needed to learn more, that I am not
ready yet, not good enough yet, until one day I pondered my intention. My heart
is in the purest of places, I take the vow of harm no one with paramount responsibility
and my greatest passion is to empower others and contribute to the healing of
humanity. How can I create anything other than Light with this loving intention?
Each soul
has a Birthright to choose its Destiny. There is no wrong or right, nor one
way. In my belief we all walk on the same mountain, though we take different routes;
we may decide to climb, we may consider running away, we may choose to go in a
loop or backtrack, nevertheless we will all arrive at the top of One
mountain. We each come here with our unique luminescent Spirit and we were each
handed a treasure to be shared generously with the world. I propose that to be
an integral part of humans’ evolution one needs to find a way to steer in the
direction of their Life purpose so they can share that which was given as we
are a vessel of Divine expression.
As we exist
within the context of collective creation we are each an element of a greater narrative. We
may choose to become Wayshowers for our fellow beings and offer loving-kindness
and sustenance to the whole. And as we are inter-related and reside within
Unified Consciousness, those who guide us and those we guide are not separated
from our own Spirit.
You are an eternal
Being, full of wisdom and insights. May you un-veil the beauty and depth of your Spirit, May you re-claim the infinity of your Being and share your gifts with
the world.