The healing journey is part of
humans’ evolution and Life here on earth. Whether embraced whole heartedly, ignored
for some time, or denied other times - it is always part of our path. We all bear
wounds reflected through triggers and we all carry shadow material – both
can be regarded as allies in the transformative process of healing. In order to
deeply heal, all stirred feelings are to be acknowledged and embraced;
giving them permission to be wholly and deeply sensed, and ultimately transmuted. Not
a pretty nor a pleasant process, yet the only way to return to Wholeness.
Every human carries various
degrees of shadow material, hurts and wounds that often have been established
in ones formative years, or brought from past lives if one is so inclined to consider.
Shadows have numerous ways to visit, invited or not - a shadow can come in many
disguises and forms. Some shadows knock on ones door with blazing force,
shaking the foundation of one’s Being; some are so familiar they feel like
welcomed old friends; others more timid lure with a faint whisper. Uncovering
ones wounds takes courage and it’s not a path to be pursued by the faint of
heart. There may be resistance, judgments, and inner contradictions. There may
be a part that denies, dismisses or disfranchises other parts of a Being. One
may choose to participate in a myriad of escape methods, to only discover that whatever
was there will come with relentless force and vengeance. Through the dark night
of the soul one can choose to metamorphoses shadow material into lightness of Being.
It’s not an easy process and it requires courage, perseverance and tenacity - and
the outcome is eternal.
An indication a wound has
surfaced and shadow material has been stirred is by anything that disturbs ones
peace; a trigger can be noticed by a strong feeling, often accompanied by body reaction, or a need to react and hold
ones position. Through an expansion of awareness, one is able to observe these
moments and may choose to retreat. Reflection and exploration of the material
that has surfaced allows an opening in the pathway to ones spirit. A healthy
ritual that may prove valuable is to reflect on what surfaced for three days
before responding, if at all necessary by that point. In this way one chooses a way of Being from a position of equilibrium.
If an emotion raises its head, especially
with ruthless force, one would be wise to listen. Each of us connects more easily
to one feeling or another; some connect with sadness, others with anger, some
withdraw and some live in denial city for a time. Some humans that practice the
spiritual path disfranchise certain emotions. I am familiar with that as I have
been one of them at a junction within my path. My skewed vision, back then, established
that anger was un-spiritual. We are meant to intimately feel all of the emotions as
humans, not reject any of them. What one does with the emotions that surface demonstrates
ones growth process. Working ‘through’ all emotions when any of them visit is the
pathway to Wholesome Healing. Sitting with every emotion, with gentle acceptance
compassion and patience, allows them to move through and transmute. When one goes
through this process regardless any challenging emotions, in my experience one
always returns back to forgiveness and Love.
Dishonoring some parts of one-self or judging other parts only reinforces them to vehemently push to the surface.
We are here to embrace, accept and love all that we are at this precious moment. As humans, we are here
to learn through all that we intimately experience within this amazing journey
and our evolution never ceases. Everything within our journey has a reason, a lesson, an opportunity to expand our way of Being. The path of growth is often through healing and
continues till we pass to the other side and into the next life until we reach Spirit energy form.
May you be gentle and kind with yourself as you pass through the alchemical fire and transmute your Way of Being.
May you be gentle and kind with yourself as you pass through the alchemical fire and transmute your Way of Being.
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