Monday 8 July 2013

Return to Innocence

Observing my cats’ face in this moment of stillness, smiling while realizing the most precious gift from him is the reminder of pure Innocence. It’s so exquisitely precious. As humans, we are born with innocence that we lose rather quickly in life. We are born open to lovingly view the world with pure wonder and innocence. No fear of Being and expressing all that we feel. No boundaries or restrictions. The world is a pure place that is infinitely exquisite and curious for us, at that moment. 

Throughout life, we begin to move away from our centre, restrict our soul and pick the notion that being reserved is a strength that will keep us safe. In the process, we dis-connect and detach from pieces of our spirit. We lose the sense that inherently we are pure loving Beings that thrive on intimately connecting. We begin to build a fence, than a wall, and sometimes we lock ourselves in a fortress. Seeking safety and protection from breaking and hurting, and in so creating - a self imposed prison. What we seek most is that which we cut ourselves from - Love is what nourishes us deeply. It’s the ground which allows us to blossom and sing our exquisite hearts tune. 

Innocence is a beautiful piece we lose along the way, and we can choose to re-connect with that sentiment, bringing it back into our home. Opening our heart to what may be, whether it may be a painful experience or joyous, choosing to Love and opening always to innocence as a way of Being. The ground to joy Aliveness and experiencing the depth of our heart cannot exist any other way. We diminish the beauty and Love that is within us to share and we whither in the process.

At times a good friend may remove a brick from the wall you’ve constructed, or a plank from the fence, creating a shaft – a crack – where light and love can come through. When we fall in-love, the wall may drop in an instant and Love emerges - that is the reason that it feels so exhilarating. Love is the elixir that collapses fear. It is a force beyond limitation or restriction. It is our greatest strength, our beauty and light. Still, we tend to view it, as well as vulnerability, as a weakness. Loving for the sake of loving, innocently with no attachment, is courageous light and free flowing. And in that space we flourish and dance with life’s melody.

The walls, the fence, the fortress – they do not save or protect us. The self imposed boundaries cages our heart and spirit and leaves us with a sense of separation. Our beauty, Aliveness and strength emerges from loving deeply and openly. When we embrace our innocence we open ourselves to a deeper expression of love that is eternal. We free our mind from the shackles of fear and holding back that which we feel, limiting the expression of our autonomous Being. Love has no boundaries, knows no limits. Love flows unobstructed from our heart as we share it unconditionally with the world around us. It’s a space of flow and lightness of Being that cannot be understood or defined with the mind. It surpasses analytical capacity and lives in the mystery and magical spaces of our existence.   

May you choose to unshackle any chain that you may have constructed and break through any barrier that was created out of fear. And may you return to your natural true sense of Being – loving, Innocent, Pure and utterly Alive.


Sunday 28 April 2013


Life unfolds in ways that are both mysterious as well as guided. We create our world through our key focus, and we are connected to greater cosmic influences within the narrative that unfolds. The dance we are here to Live cannot be precisely planned; we have to allow a breathing space for the mysterious as its part of our journey.   It’s a complex concept for many to grasp and accept as we tend to shy away from the intangible element of our existence. We lean towards thinking and try to define and confine rather than surrender and feel our way through Life. There is a grander schema we all play part of, regardless our beliefs or resistance to the mystical - its part of our cellular knowing. Our Existence ripples into the Universal sea and suffuses the field of all Consciousness.

If one considers the miracle of being born into here, one may be open to the idea of the enigmatic. Reflect upon the idea that we are made of star dust and we are here as extension of the Divine. If one reflects honestly upon this journey and ponders how many specific plans where precisely executed, one may be more open to the idea of the ethereal. As much as we like to know, plan, control and define - our Existence has boundless peripheral. We are larger than the sum of our Being-ness as we are inter-connected to a greater narrative. We are not here to be boxed in specific dimension; we are infinite capacity within the vast ocean of the Universe. We are co-creators and as much as we seek individuality we are here to; co-relate, collaborate, intimately share, see and be seen and most of all Love and Live through our Heart as our Guide.
We have an inclination to analyse the experience of this journey and tend to have an overactive mind, while our existence here is to be lived through the felt sense and the Heart – that is the path of the Soul. When one connects to the Heart Centre and let it lead - Life seems to flow like an exquisite melody. There is a profound sense of peace and knowing that infuses one’s Life when in that place. The Heart knows intimately the Truth of our Being. The facades fall away and the spirit has the freedom to sing one’s own unique harmony. Feeling the way through this journey brought me at a place where every unfolding moment seems like Music. Synchronicities flow into our field when Living through the Heart as its the language of the Universe, and in this space we can deeply connect with the Cosmos creative energy.
Living through a Centred Heart is a way that diverts us from residing in the maze of the mind and dissecting our existence. This does not suggest that the mind is disregarded, alas the mind follows the felt sense and it collaborates with the Heart rather than tries to control and restrict the infinite Spirit. One is guided by a felt sense that is centred within the Heart in a grounded body. It is not in dwelling in the ether neither as we are here to be fully Alive and intimately experience within the body. Some, unintentionally, understand the Spiritual path as a way of escaping Life, yet our existence, even if at times challenging, is a precious gift. We are here to live within a grounded body and serene mind, steered by unobstructed Heart, and Be-come an expression of the Divine.
When we shed the idea of knowing and controlling particular outcome, we open our field to the infinite possibilities within the Universal arena. We allow our Spirit to roam in its True kingdom and co-create the story we are unobstrustedly born into experiencing. The Universal plan is far greater than anything we can fathom or plan. We cannot simulate the synchronicities that show up when we are aligned within the Heart and open to the mystery of Cosmic collaboration. If we focus on a narrow view we may fail to see what is available within the greater field of our existence. There is an infinite sea of opportunities within the matrix of Life that is offered to us when we align within the Heart and embrace the vastness of our Being. As we create our legacy, we merge with the Cosmos and interweave the tapestry of Humanity.
May you permit a passageway between the vast Cosmos and your exquisite Spirit. May you accept fully the invitation of the Divine light you posses and share your whole Being with the world. May you find the courage to free your Self from limiting beliefs and Live through your Heart Centre.

Tuesday 2 April 2013


The healing journey is part of humans’ evolution and Life here on earth. Whether embraced whole heartedly, ignored for some time, or denied other times - it is always part of our path. We all bear wounds reflected through triggers and we all carry shadow material – both can be regarded as allies in the transformative process of healing. In order to deeply heal, all stirred feelings are to be acknowledged and embraced; giving them permission to be wholly and deeply sensed, and ultimately transmuted. Not a pretty nor a pleasant process, yet the only way to return to Wholeness.

Every human carries various degrees of shadow material, hurts and wounds that often have been established in ones formative years, or brought from past lives if one is so inclined to consider. Shadows have numerous ways to visit, invited or not - a shadow can come in many disguises and forms. Some shadows knock on ones door with blazing force, shaking the foundation of one’s Being; some are so familiar they feel like welcomed old friends; others more timid lure with a faint whisper. Uncovering ones wounds takes courage and it’s not a path to be pursued by the faint of heart. There may be resistance, judgments, and inner contradictions. There may be a part that denies, dismisses or disfranchises other parts of a Being. One may choose to participate in a myriad of escape methods, to only discover that whatever was there will come with relentless force and vengeance. Through the dark night of the soul one can choose to metamorphoses shadow material into lightness of Being. It’s not an easy process and it requires courage, perseverance and tenacity - and the outcome is eternal.

An indication a wound has surfaced and shadow material has been stirred is by anything that disturbs ones peace; a trigger can be noticed by a strong feeling, often accompanied by body reaction, or a need to react and hold ones position. Through an expansion of awareness, one is able to observe these moments and may choose to retreat. Reflection and exploration of the material that has surfaced allows an opening in the pathway to ones spirit. A healthy ritual that may prove valuable is to reflect on what surfaced for three days before responding, if at all necessary by that point. In this way one chooses a way of Being from a position of equilibrium.

If an emotion raises its head, especially with ruthless force, one would be wise to listen. Each of us connects more easily to one feeling or another; some connect with sadness, others with anger, some withdraw and some live in denial city for a time. Some humans that practice the spiritual path disfranchise certain emotions. I am familiar with that as I have been one of them at a junction within my path. My skewed vision, back then, established that anger was un-spiritual. We are meant to intimately feel all of the emotions as humans, not reject any of them. What one does with the emotions that surface demonstrates ones growth process. Working ‘through’ all emotions when any of them visit is the pathway to Wholesome Healing. Sitting with every emotion, with gentle acceptance compassion and patience, allows them to move through and transmute. When one goes through this process regardless any challenging emotions, in my experience one always returns back to forgiveness and Love.

Dishonoring some parts of one-self or judging other parts only reinforces them to vehemently push to the surface. We are here to embrace, accept and love all that we are at this precious moment. As humans, we are here to learn through all that we intimately experience within this amazing journey and our evolution never ceases. Everything within our journey has a reason, a lesson, an opportunity to expand our way of Being. The path of growth is often through healing and continues till we pass to the other side and into the next life until we reach Spirit energy form.

May you be gentle and kind with yourself as you pass through the alchemical fire and transmute your Way of Being.

Wednesday 6 March 2013


As we move through Life, we may find ourselves stuck within limiting perception. An intersection where we recognize we are at the edge of all we have ever known. We may feel apprehensive and excited at the same time. In this junction we may begin questioning our position and perspective. Truth is that we can, and often do, live within self imposed boundaries. Yet the Universe presents us with vast ocean and infinite possibilities. If you consider that you are made of star dust and co-create this World with the Cosmos, your vision may shift. You may begin to recognize the vastness that is within and without and realize your eternal Being-ness.

Pondering this moment and the junction within the span of your life you can inspect your view. Bearing in mind we are a part of a larger Oneness - multi dimensional Beings living within the Cosmic arena. As humans, we are here to move and grove through lessons and changes that bring about Collective Evolution. We are history makers and we are part of Universal Consciousness. As we evolve, we may find ourselves on a new ground. If you are on a path of internal exploration and dedicated to live fully you will arrive at new territories. Reaching a new chapter within your existence is exquisite, and it can be overwhelming. What do you do on this ground you have never walked upon? What if you question your view and your tale to this moment? You have changed and so your story cannot remain inert. If you decide to surrender and open to the vastness you may acquire new spectacle.

What if the story you held tightly onto no longer resonate with who you are in this instant? What if so much has shifted within you that you feel estranged from your tale? You could go back to sleep – though I doubt you would want to.

What if you begin to listen attentively to the song of the Universe? What if you notice a different tune and suddenly recognize there may be another narrative? What if you have just realized that YOU are the author? What if all the challenges within your journey were there to prepare you for something you couldn't fathom till this moment? What if the twists and turns; what you considered mistakes and roadblocks; all that happened in your life – EVERYTHING – was a part of a greater scheme? What if all you needed was a shift in perspective so you can Truly SEE your Being?

The Universe has mysterious ways of un-folding. This moment within your path is a precious gift. Life is exquisite and you are limitless. From the vastness of the Universe you are an eternal bright star. From the perspective of your life here - this instant in your life will never return nor be the same. Every moment you make decisions that shape your experience here.

You were born with your own Blueprint. It is your birthright to create your unique path, one that aligns with your Being. Maybe you have different design then the frame of the norm. Maybe you wish to create your own texture, shape, grain and direction. Maybe you aspire to leave behind different footprints. Maybe you are driven by different morals and values then most. Maybe you are motivated by contribution and collaboration. You are after all a Co-Creator within the Universe. Your Heart and Passion can guide you as you surrender to your Inner Compass. You will know when you move closer or farther from Your Soul by Your Heart. If you are in deep darkness you can reach for assistance in order to tap into your internal resources.

I invite you to look at your existence from the expansive vantage point of the Universe. Consider that your existence is a journey of growth, wisdom and Be-coming. Consider we are all a part of a greater narrative and we all swim within the ONE Cosmic energy field - weaving a magnificent story within humans' collective legend. There is a humbling depth and exquisite wisdom within the Cosmos. It demonstrates our True vastness and reflects our Eternal Spark.


Friday 1 February 2013

Soul Whisper

Deep within our life, the journey offers growth and expansion in every corner. Your soul whispers gently throughout your existence, inviting you to explore the magnificent Being you are. To hear the call you need to create a gap between your daily life and the stillness of your spirit. In that space your inner landscape has a chance to emerge and an inner communion to be established.

We arrive here gifted with free will, and have the choice of living through the Low road with Mr. Ego leading or the High road with Spirit illuminating the way. The Ego is fearful and promotes constrained and limiting view of your faculty and true radiance, whereas your Spirit lovingly encourages you to Shine. We live within this journey in human form and Mr. Ego requires tangible plans and controlled way of Life, however as a Spirit we are simultaneously sparks of the Divine Mind and our existence is infinite and in constant flux.

The process of humans’ evolution takes willingness and cooperation in our own growth. Heeding the call of Spirit requires awareness, courage, dedication and abiding resolve. It’s a path we don’t have to pursue, yet for those who embark upon the journey of conscious existence there is no real way back. Once the veil is lifted and we touch our inner Core, the inter-connectedness is palpable and transfigures our sense of separation. Suffused in a sense of belonging, we realize liberty and Grace is through here, and the challenges within this path seem insignificant in contrast to the treasure within. When we begin to connect with our Divine Essence, Ego limitations diminish and we become open to the field of all possibilities. In here we are able to tap into the Divine Plan, retrieve our Essence and begin to co-create with the Cosmos.

For many years I have lived with a narrow expression of my Spirit. One of my greatest obstacles was Mr. Doubt; he has been a frequent visitor in my daily life for quite a while and nearly felt as an old friend. A few years ago I have sent him on a long vacation and I am beginning to feel that he may have concluded to retire. I have let myself believe that I needed to learn more, that I am not ready yet, not good enough yet, until one day I pondered my intention. My heart is in the purest of places, I take the vow of harm no one with paramount responsibility and my greatest passion is to empower others and contribute to the healing of humanity. How can I create anything other than Light with this loving intention?    

Each soul has a Birthright to choose its Destiny. There is no wrong or right, nor one way. In my belief we all walk on the same mountain, though we take different routes; we may decide to climb, we may consider running away, we may choose to go in a loop or backtrack, nevertheless we will all arrive at the top of One mountain. We each come here with our unique luminescent Spirit and we were each handed a treasure to be shared generously with the world. I propose that to be an integral part of humans’ evolution one needs to find a way to steer in the direction of their Life purpose so they can share that which was given as we are a vessel of Divine expression.

As we exist within the context of collective creation we are each an element of a greater narrative. We may choose to become Wayshowers for our fellow beings and offer loving-kindness and sustenance to the whole. And as we are inter-related and reside within Unified Consciousness, those who guide us and those we guide are not separated from our own Spirit.  

You are an eternal Being, full of wisdom and insights. May you un-veil the beauty and depth of your Spirit, May you re-claim the infinity of your Being and share your gifts with the world.


Friday 18 January 2013

Untethered Heart

The richness of our existence and freedom of expression in the world is shaped by our openness to be fully ‘seen’. To walk in this journey with an open heart cultivates intimacy with others and Life. In that space, the exquisite beauty and tune of your spirit can shine through your Being.

We, as humans have this notion that we need to protect our hearts, and it’s a very real sensation if we were hurt in the past. Most of us carry wounds and hurts that unless addressed can truly form a gate between our Heart and Life. The idea that we protect ourselves from a possibility of pain may be true, yet we end up caging our own hearts, and Love has no way to enter deeply into your Being. Love feeds on openness and trust. Our existence here is diminished by a fearful heart. We can only partially ‘be seen’, deeply feel and be utterly Alive with a shackled Heart. Our protection mechanism can become our jail and only we have the key and the ability to open the cellar.

So how can we remain with an open Heart as its expression is our greatest gift? Within my own journey of healing I pondered upon the reasons I close down. It’s almost an automatic mechanism that is built-in within us when hurt strikes. I wondered whether I can remain open hearted, particularly in a painful situation. The Universe delivered the opportunity to examine my notion.
A few years ago, when going through a challenging life-event, I promised myself to remain heart centred, open and kind regardless of anything. Sitting with the emotions that flooded me and feeling raw, I went through my healing process with effort and unwavering resolve and was able to honour the pledge I took. At the end of a challenging period my compassion and heart expanded and a sense of tender fortitude remained in my Being. I was grateful for the Grace the Universe showed me.
We have a tendency to walk in the world with a partial heart. Wearing masks endorsed by fears we carry limits our Aliveness and requires a lot of energy that can drain your Being. While living through a facade, a sense of isolation grows within us. Notwithstanding discernment and healthy boundaries where appropriate, distancing, closing down and escaping in various ways are to our detriment. Our spirit becomes constrained and hampered and the vastness of our humanness has little space to thrive. Welcoming people fearlessly into our heart creates a milieu for intimate connections and cultivates an environment for others to express themselves more genuinely, providing they are ready and willing. In an open-hearted interaction, a sense of belonging and inter-connectedness emerges.
Although not without challenges, it’s a courageous way to walk through life, rendering you vulnerable and exposed, as you refrain from hiding or sleep-walking through this precious journey. The other alternative is to cut yourself off from that which we all yearn to deeply experience; Acceptance, Intimacy, Love and genuinely to be Seen by others with the full spectrum of our Being. It’s a nourishing ground to live upon. A way of existence that is enriching, equally strong as it’s gentle and profoundly humane. Through my exploration with this paradigm of existence, I found Grace  to inhabit this space.
When you are choosing to Be in the world with an open heart, magic emerges in glorious forms. Our Heart’s nature is to be generously and intimately expressed. It’s Eternal and knows no fears, boundaries or limitations. You may begin to connect with fellow humans in a way that uplifts people’s spirit and cultivate a sense of belonging. Many are living with a great sense of isolation, and loneliness has reached an epidemic proportion. We are here to relate intimately and when we open to the vastness of our hearts Life takes brighter shades and our Divinity shines through.
May you discover a way to live with a fearless heart and May you allow yourself to fully express your exquisite uniqueness.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Way of Being

Life can be an illuminating journey. As we move through the years of our being, our perceptions take form and are based on our interpretations of events in our lives. Our life takes colours and shades according to the filters that were established by our experiences, thus we live through encoded view rather than see life as it unfolds moment to moment.
During our formative years we begin an intricate construction of filters into our spectacles. We start categorizing our diverse life experiences in like-boxes that are infused with wide spectrum of emotional waters. Depending on the event, some may cause deep wounds and shadow material. What defines you in life is not shaped by your life events; challenging or pleasant, but rather what you choose to do with your experiences and how you allow them to shape your existence and way of being. Through development of awareness you can learn what moves you in the world, what is underneath the way of your being. We are not an android, yet we function through a mechanism that is shaped by previous events, thus in essence we don’t experience life as it transpires.
If your way of being ceases to fulfill your heart, if you feel that your life is fashioned by a stranger, if you have a sense that you are operating on an old program and beliefs that may be obsolete to the person you are becoming; you can probe into your psyche and explore what lies in the bottom of your subconscious – this is your spirit’s goldmine.

How we choose to view our experiences and how we let them shape us in life is unique to each person. If you had a challenging life-altering event, it has likely affected you deeply and thus influenced your way of being. If you decide to unearth the wounds that formed within you through this experience and transmute them, you generate a possibility to re-claim your inner power and in that space you are able to re-define your way of being as you wish from that moment. The event still happened and you were affected by it, however it ceases to affect your way of being in the world and you re-claim your freedom to be as you truly are, regardless anything that happened to you. I would like to reiterate that whatever may be the event, however painful it may have been, your view of it and even forgiveness, does not absolve the event nor the responsibility from the person that have wronged you. Your change of perception and forgiveness work are for the purpose of freeing your spirit and allowing you to release the power the event has had over your existence. In that way you transmute what has been a dis-empowering event. Only you can decide to re-claim your personal power and define your way of being and what you wish to create for yourself from that vantage point.

This precious journey is arduous and abundant with twists and turns. You can examine your disposition, perceptions, beliefs and principles if they don’t permit contentment and inner peace. You may decide to unveil the story you have been reciting and re-write your script if your current one is incongruent with your present philosophy and aspirations. Through this process of illuminating our deep currents and purifying our wounds, we are able to unveil the beauty of our spirit and sing the tune of our heart with True sense of freedom.

May you be blessed in the journey you choose, May you have courage to listen to the calling of your spirit to be free, and May you find balance of strength and compassion to go through the changes and unveil the beauty of your Being.
