Tuesday, 3 May 2011


As of late, the divine gesture arrived at my path in forms and shades I was not expecting. It’s easy to lose sense of equilibrium when trying times strike our heart. I made a decision long ago that if anything tremors my heart I have a lesson to learn, and an opportunity to heal a piece of my soul. Of course, I have to go through the emotions first before healing what has just come to the surface.

With the grace the universe bestowed upon me, I pondered my perceptions. As humans, we go through life experiencing events through our exclusive perceptions. Each is operating from a vantage point we are at, in a specific moment within this incredible journey, selecting twists and turns through our present level of consciousness and in accordance with whom we believe we are at a particular intersection.

Through my interactions, it became clear to me that dictionary definition is simply that. We each assign our own meaning to words, based on our experiences, views and the level of internal unity within body, mind, heart and spirit, at that moment in time. When someone communicates with you, they do so through their own aura, views and definitions, and it may very likely be different than your own concepts. Neither wrong nor bad, simply their own way of seeing. That understanding may help in accepting others as they are within their constructed reality.

Each of us grows in our own unique way. Again, there is neither wrong nor right. We come into this life with free will and choice between high and low road; each choice carrying us to a specific consequence. It is in my belief that the universe conspires to assist us within our soul journey. I believe that the universe choreographs events that offer us opportunities to expand and evolve into our True Being, providing us at all times junctions that lead to the high road and our souls evolution and healing.

Notwithstanding this challenging period, I am grateful as I feel I’ve grown and learned more about mySelf and my way of being in the world. I sense these trials were there to show me; where can I grow further, how do I choose to face them, and how am I living my essence. At the end of this wonderful process I shifted my perceptions and grew more compassionate and accepting others more-so where they are within their journey.

Universe, I am grateful for my relentless desire to live through my True Self and Be the highest expression of the Being that you have brought through this vessel I’m living within in this lifetime. I am thankful for the tender heart you have given me; the heart that even in the midst of a storm and the darkest of episodes yearns to eternally extend compassion, Love profoundly and find a way back to equilibrium.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Our Universal Dance

As I ponder our phenomenal universe I reflect upon this remarkable journey we live. Being content with precisely how life is, at this precious moment. Allowing for the path to unveil; with no need for control, not pushing the river or being attached to any particular outcome. Knowing, that what may come, will contain the perfect message for that moment. There is a deep knowing within my heart that a new era is upon us, and everything is moving in perfect harmony. A profound sense of serenity is within me in this space.

As a collective we are living in enormously transformational period within our history. It can be challenging at times, as we need to find our footing within the ground that keeps shifting. We are soaring on an evolutionary high; life, and the universe as we know it, no longer exists. Time has accelerated, and change is in such a predominant rate, that we may feel out of sorts at times. Once we accept that a grander scheme is taking place and life is infused with a profound purpose, a sense of peace begins to sip through.

There is a myriad of planetary shifts, some that are occurring for the first time in 600 years. We are all inter-connected, and affected by, this magnetic field. We may have difficulty in comprehending our role within this dance, yet we are engaged in a co-creation waltz with the universe. As humans, what we focus on in this phase of our evolution is of utter importance, as our creation faculty is in an unprecedented high. Once we consider that we are shaping our world with each of our thought, action and deed, we may begin to realize how intrinsically powerful we truly are, and contemplate the vital part we play within this creation. From this vantage point, recognizing life’s magnitude and our ethereal capacity, one may ponder how they choose to engage within this fascinating journey.

In these times, offer compassion whenever you can, for yourself and others, as many are experiencing twists and turns within their path. Consider that when you extend kindness to another, it is reciprocated. When you open your heart and center your humanness in genuine compassion you change the world around and within you and create more beauty than you can imagine. 

May you Dance in the beauty you are

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Surrendering to the mystery of life is uneasy for us earthlings. We are preconditioned to plan and view life through linear spectacles. Yet, if you ponder upon your history, and what happened according to well constructed plans, you may be perplexed. Defining moments and turning points within your life, pleasant or not, seem to take place randomly. Were your biggest revelations, leaps of faith and moments of euphoria planned? Life, in the grand scheme, is paradoxically far simpler.

We are taught to plan yet our freedom lays in our faith in the mystery of the unfolding journey. We are told to focus on our future, yet the only period we live-in is within this particle of time. We are trained to plan goals, yet the gold cannot be found in the goal but rather in the passage of achieving it. It is through the course of our journey that we discover, expand, and become that which we truly are. The destination is just a mere point at the end of this miraculous journey.

We are conditioned to believe that if we plan and organize our life we gain control, when in reality control is an illusionary concept. Truth is one never knows what the next moment may bring. We can, however, focus our intentions, actions, thoughts and deeds, on that which we wish to form in our life, and co-create the world. In my belief, if you add the highest good of all to that creation, you receive the blessings of the universe. Another piece of this way of co-creating is to let go of attachment to outcomes.You see, attachment is based on control and knowing. It has nothing to do with surrendering to the mysteries of Life. Attachment is limited within the confines of the outcome that one may choose to hold onto. What if Life has a grander outcome in mind for you than you cannot fathom? Would you rather block it, or leave your field open to receive that which is ready to come into your path? It is through surrender that you open yourself for exquisite possibilities and find sheer freedom. It is at the edge of everything that you have come to know that you can discover your most precious treasure.

May you dance gracefully through your journey and soar higher than you can imagine. Namaste! 

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Precious Life

As humans, we may have placed borders upon this earth and we may choose to focus on our differences. Yet, in truth, we are intimately interrelated. When a tragedy hits a nation the starkness of our interconnect-ness is glaring at us; radiation may affect the air we breathe, the water we need for our survival, and the affects are far more expensive than we wish to accept or willing to admit. We are all in this field, and inhabit one Universe; it seems we are not as separated as we brought ourselves to believe and maybe it's time to consider Unity as a way of life.

How would you choose to live if this was your last day? I don’t mean to sound morbid nor depressing; on the contrary, my point is to ponder upon living purposefully. In your life, do you tend to focus on the impermanent, or do you focus on what truly matters and precious to your heart? Do you tend to forgive, or do you hold differences in the front of your mind? Is it that important to be right, and who decided what is wrong or right? Does it really matter that you have a different opinion, or would you rather enjoy the connection you have with that person? Does it matter if you give more, or even keeping a tab on how much you give? Do you tell the people you love how they touched your heart and how much they mean to you? When was the last time you extended a small gesture that you know could light someone’s heart? Do you take the time to be aware and enjoy the little wonders that are all around you? Do you truly listen when a friend needs a shoulder? Is the program you watch more important than having an intimate conversation with your spouse, friend, or family? Is there anyone in your life you might wish to forgive or apologize to? Is there anything you always wanted to get to but never found the time? Do you live hoping that tomorrow will be better? Are those last 'x' pounds holding you back from embracing yourself right now? Is that 'x.y.z' really is what’s going to make you happy? Is there a friend or a co-worker in your life that can use a helping hand? Do you remember to be grateful? Do you take the time to listen to your soul? Do you take time to do what sustains your heart? Do you remember to nurture your inner child? Are there fears that have been roaming in the bottom of your soul, that maybe it’s time to release? What would make your heart sing? If this was your last day how would you live it?   

As humans we come here with free will and infinite capacity to co-create our world. I believe that life speaks to us through events that contain hidden messages we can observe and decipher. My hope is that you choose to live this precious moment with grace and love. May you choose to discover what's most precious to you and what nurtures your spirit; and hold these tenderly within your heart TODAY and throughout your life.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Thank you

I thank you universe for this journey, for my cherished family, for my dear friends, for my health, for the beauty that life offers, for the heart you gave me and for the path I’m on. I thank you for guarding me, guiding me and protecting me. I thank you for watching over me and my loved ones. I thank you for giving me clarity when I feel lost. I thank you for lifting my spirit when all I can see is darkness. I thank you for giving me the strength to continue on this purposeful path I’ve chosen when I feel tired and bruised. I thank you for placing in my journey the precious people I love so deeply as they make all the difference in times I don’t understand what I am doing here. Thank you for giving me the courage to dig deep inside my soul and turn every nook and crevice, so I may one day become the essence of all that you created inside of me. Thank you for the beauty of this earth. Thank you for the exquisite sound, fragrance and splendid colours of the ocean. Thank you for the smell of pine needles in a majestic forest. Thank you for the sensation of warm sand beneath my feet. Thank you for the sun that nurtures my soul. Thank you for children's joyous laughter that remind me what purity and presence means. Thank you for my cat’s peaceful face, which reminds me to slow down and simply be in this precious moment. Thank you for lovers gentle caresses. Thank you for giving me the wisdom of compassion, acceptance and forgiveness and the understanding that life is far too precious to have regrets or hold grudges regardless what anyone says or does. Thank you for giving me a passionate and gentle heart. Thank you for giving me pure intentions. Thank you for giving me a sense of wonder and awe. Thank you for giving me faith in the mystery of this precious journey. Thank you for giving me the understanding that surrendering is the way to freedom. Thank you for giving me humility to ask for your help when I transverse through my dark nights of the soul. Thank you for giving me the clarity between what’s reality and what’s illusion. Thank you for creating me with an insatiable appetite for wisdom and grace. Thank you for giving me wings when I had nothing in me to go on. Thank you for providing me with all that I needed when I was scared. Thank you for lighting the way for me when I lose my ground. Thank you for giving me the ability to see into the beauty of another soul. Thank you for giving me the capacity to truly feel deeply with another.
Share your heart and be kind with one another – these are difficult times for everyone.  Extend help if you can and see the need. Be gentle with yourself. Remember what is truly precious to you and what do you deeply wish to know you have done when you are on your death-bed. Life is a gift – May you choose to Live with an open heart!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Fragility of Our Existence

This moment reminds me the fragility of our existence; nothing is permanent. We can plan, think and organize the future... and .... the preciousness of this moment is even more palpable. The idea that we truly are here to utterly live this treasured life with all its complexities with compassionate open and generous heart, submerging ourselves into all the beauty and love that is around and within us, and remember to make peace and extend love each way we can. We are precious children of god, and our time to awaken has come.

What are we to take from these kind of moments in our history? And how many of us will ponder our fragile existence? Our planet is calling humanity, and through these times of great lose we can find a sense of Unity. A sense of what is truly important in one’s life. The preciousness of this moment is so very loud. The desire to extend compassion and love fully with no conditions arises within my soul . What is most important in this moment? Your house, possessions, bank account, job; or is it more your pet/s and loved ones. When it comes down to the essence of what keeps you alive and joyous -- our connections to one another (all creatures) and our environment are priceless. The interesting thing is that, when you ponder your life and where your time is spent, it is alarmingly in everything that is not permanent nor in this moment. We tend to take for granted all that is precious and place importance in everything that we will never think about once we leave this dimension -- maybe we can re-member that more often so we truly awake to the preciousness of this amazing Life we are given.