Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Surrendering to the mystery of life is uneasy for us earthlings. We are preconditioned to plan and view life through linear spectacles. Yet, if you ponder upon your history, and what happened according to well constructed plans, you may be perplexed. Defining moments and turning points within your life, pleasant or not, seem to take place randomly. Were your biggest revelations, leaps of faith and moments of euphoria planned? Life, in the grand scheme, is paradoxically far simpler.

We are taught to plan yet our freedom lays in our faith in the mystery of the unfolding journey. We are told to focus on our future, yet the only period we live-in is within this particle of time. We are trained to plan goals, yet the gold cannot be found in the goal but rather in the passage of achieving it. It is through the course of our journey that we discover, expand, and become that which we truly are. The destination is just a mere point at the end of this miraculous journey.

We are conditioned to believe that if we plan and organize our life we gain control, when in reality control is an illusionary concept. Truth is one never knows what the next moment may bring. We can, however, focus our intentions, actions, thoughts and deeds, on that which we wish to form in our life, and co-create the world. In my belief, if you add the highest good of all to that creation, you receive the blessings of the universe. Another piece of this way of co-creating is to let go of attachment to outcomes.You see, attachment is based on control and knowing. It has nothing to do with surrendering to the mysteries of Life. Attachment is limited within the confines of the outcome that one may choose to hold onto. What if Life has a grander outcome in mind for you than you cannot fathom? Would you rather block it, or leave your field open to receive that which is ready to come into your path? It is through surrender that you open yourself for exquisite possibilities and find sheer freedom. It is at the edge of everything that you have come to know that you can discover your most precious treasure.

May you dance gracefully through your journey and soar higher than you can imagine. Namaste! 

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this, precious soul. Thank you for your poetic gift and guiding light.
    A wise reminder that I try to live by (albeit conditioning for otherise):

    ~"A *healed* mind does not plan. It carries out the plans that it receives through listening to Wisdom that is not its own..."
    Shiri Joshua
    S.O.U.L. Academy
