Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Our Universal Dance

As I ponder our phenomenal universe I reflect upon this remarkable journey we live. Being content with precisely how life is, at this precious moment. Allowing for the path to unveil; with no need for control, not pushing the river or being attached to any particular outcome. Knowing, that what may come, will contain the perfect message for that moment. There is a deep knowing within my heart that a new era is upon us, and everything is moving in perfect harmony. A profound sense of serenity is within me in this space.

As a collective we are living in enormously transformational period within our history. It can be challenging at times, as we need to find our footing within the ground that keeps shifting. We are soaring on an evolutionary high; life, and the universe as we know it, no longer exists. Time has accelerated, and change is in such a predominant rate, that we may feel out of sorts at times. Once we accept that a grander scheme is taking place and life is infused with a profound purpose, a sense of peace begins to sip through.

There is a myriad of planetary shifts, some that are occurring for the first time in 600 years. We are all inter-connected, and affected by, this magnetic field. We may have difficulty in comprehending our role within this dance, yet we are engaged in a co-creation waltz with the universe. As humans, what we focus on in this phase of our evolution is of utter importance, as our creation faculty is in an unprecedented high. Once we consider that we are shaping our world with each of our thought, action and deed, we may begin to realize how intrinsically powerful we truly are, and contemplate the vital part we play within this creation. From this vantage point, recognizing life’s magnitude and our ethereal capacity, one may ponder how they choose to engage within this fascinating journey.

In these times, offer compassion whenever you can, for yourself and others, as many are experiencing twists and turns within their path. Consider that when you extend kindness to another, it is reciprocated. When you open your heart and center your humanness in genuine compassion you change the world around and within you and create more beauty than you can imagine. 

May you Dance in the beauty you are

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